What the new lockdown means for the Premier League

Boris Johnson has announced new levels of lockdown for the United Kingdom and fans are wondering what is going to happen to the Premier League and all levels of the football they love to watch. Rumours were going around that the latest restrictions would prohibti all forms of lockdown with Sky Sports even thinking that the Premier League would have to stop but the confusion has been cleared up.

Pictures courtesy of Sky Sports

Joe Pike is the politicial correspondent for Sky News and he has attempted to clear up the confusion in Boris’s new lockdown plan with clear instructions for people to follow and he has outlined the stopping and continuation of sports.

Grass root sports will not continue but elite level will continue with Premier League fans able to watch the teams they support throughout lockdown 3 as I’m sure it will keep the nation a whole lot saner if the football continues. Unfortunately golf course, tennis courts and outdoor gyms will close leaving the active parts of our society feeling left out. Hopefully we can get this virus under control and get back to normality ASAP.