VIDEO: McGregor on Rousey: ‘She would throw me on my head in one second flat’

Conor McGregor’s normal modus operandi in interviews is to talk up his own talents while deriding any opponents and highlighting their weak points.

The Dublin fighter appears to truly believe he has the beating of every other MMA fighter out there, so it is quite refreshing to hear him admit there is one UFC star he wouldn’t like to tangle with.

That fighter’s name? .

Olympic bronze medallist Rousey is the current UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion and the undisputed queen of MMA.

McGregor was interviewed by Sports Illustrated and asked who was the bigger star in the UFC, him or female champion Rousey.

McGregor was diplomatic when answering the question, basically saying they each dominated their own sections.

But when it came to the two of them getting in the ring, McGregor was straight up about Rousey’s strength.

“I would certainly not like to end up in a tie-up with Ms. Rousey,” he admitted.

“I remember one time when I greeted her and said ‘what’s up, champ?’ and we embraced, and I swear on my life that her back muscles were the most solid back muscles I’ve ever felt in my life.

“I thought ‘if this lady was to get a hold of me, she would throw me on my head in one second flat, so I would not like to engage in a clinch fight with Ronda.”

Although, true to form, McGregor finished off with a flash of his customary confidence: “But make no mistake about it. I have my ways to win that fight too”.