Video: Leeds keeper attempts a bit of skill and gives away a penalty

Leeds United’s 20 year old French goal keeper Illan Meslier will not like being shown this replay once the game is over as he managed to give away a penalty while attempting some skill inside his own box. Bielsa is going to be absolutely furious.

The young goalkeeper was trying to keep the ball in his own box and manages to foul Saka in the process, we don’t know how or why it happened but it gave Aubameyang a free shot from 12 yards.

Aubameyang stepped and everyone knew it was going in before he even put the ball down on the ground. It’s hard for young goalkeepers to build up confidence but this will really knock the Frenchman’s motivation so we hope he’s able to come back from this mistake.

Leeds United are already three goals down at half time so it could get a lot worse if he doesn’t lift his head up.