TWEETS: Irish fans unimpressed with BBC attempt to ‘claim’ McGregor

As Irish fans celebrated Conor McGregor’s in Las Vegas at the weekend, the BBC decided they wanted to join the party.

They posted a report on the fight online, where they described Dubliner McGregor as “the first UFC champion from the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland”.

Eh, what?

The bizarre attempt to link the fighter with the United Kingdom did not go down well with Irish fans.

As several commentators pointed out, McGregor isn’t exactly coy about his nationality – anyone watching the match would be very clear on where he is from.

The BBC haven’t taken the reference down, but have rewritten it several times. Their first amendment changed it to “from the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland”.

They eventually settled on “from the Republic of Ireland or United Kingdom”, which does at least put the country he is actually from first.

Seriously though lads, you’re embarrassing yourselves.