Manchester United Announce the Sacking of Senior First Team Members

Manchester United have already begun the clear out process with the Red Devil scouts Jim Lawlor and Marcel Bout set to depart the club in the summer.

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“Jim Lawlor has decided to step down from his role as Chief Scout in the Summer after 16 years with the club,” a statement read.

“During that time, Jim played a key role in the development of multiple trophy-winning Manchester United teams and was an important source of guidance to Sir Alex Ferguson and each of the managers who have followed him.

“Jim leaves the club with our warmest thanks for his significant contribution and our very best wishes for the future.”

United have also parted company with Bout, with a second statement reading: “Marcel Bout has departed from his role as Head of Global Scouting after eight years with the club.

“A respected figure within and outside of Manchester United, Marcel has played an important part as an assistant coach and in the strengthening of our scouting capabilities in recent years.

“Marcel leaves the club with our warmest thanks for his significant contribution and our very best wishes for the future.”