Morocco send an official complaint to FIFA after World Cup loss 😬

The Royal Moroccan Football Federation has launched an official complaint to FIFA after their World Cup semi-final loss to France.

Morocco’s fairy tale journey came to an end on Wednesday evening, when they were eliminated from the World Cup after a 2-0 loss. France put on an impressive performance and was the better team on the night.

But not everyone agrees that they were the deserved winners.

The Royal Moroccan Football Federation believes that they were hard done by and pointed the blame at the referee, Cesar Ramos.

They released a statement on Thursday which reads:

“The Royal Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF) strongly protested against the arbitration of the Morocco-France match officiated by Mr. Cesar Arturo Ramos. To this end, the FRMF sent a letter to the competent body in which it returns to the arbitration situation which deprived the Moroccan selection of two indisputable penalties in the opinion of several arbitration specialists.

“The FRMF also expressed its great astonishment that the Video Assistance to Arbitration (VAR) system did not react to these arbitration situations. The FRMF recalls that it will spare no effort to defend and preserve the rights of the National Selections by advocating fairness in arbitration and by denouncing these arbitration decisions taken during this semi-final confrontation of the World Cup. of FIFA Qatar 2022.”

Although they didn’t go all the way, they can still be immensely proud of themselves. They beat some of the best sides in the world, Spain, Portugal and Belgium, as well as becoming the greatest African side in the tournament’s history.

They aren’t the first team to complain about the officiating at the World Cup.

Do you think that they have a case?