Conor McGregor joins the running to buy Chelsea Football Club

Conor McGregor has publicly expressed an interest in buying Chelsea Football Club from Roman Abramovich.

Abramovich has seemingly been forced into listing his beloved Blues for sale in anticipation of sanctions from the UK government as a consequence of his affiliation with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

There were suggestions a few days ago that Abramovich was attempting to play his role in brokering peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, but if anything, that merely reaffirmed how close he is to Putin and why his money ought to leave London.

Abramovich and his team will now be fielding calls from potential investors, who’ll be jumping at the opportunity to purchase one of the biggest clubs on the planet, potentially within the next 72 hours.

A shock contender to take the club off of Roman’s hands is UFC superstar Conor McGregor, who took to Twitter revealing his intentions to put together a consortium with the necessary wealth to fund the move. Imagine!