Man City fans met with rapturous boos after CHANTING through Hillsborough silence

A minority of Manchester City fans could be heard chanting through the Hillsborough minute’s silence at Wembley, which was met by rapturous boos from the Liverpool faithful.

The anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster falls on the 15th of April every year, so with Liverpool playing today, the tributes to the 97 fans who lost their lives rolled over into today’s battle with Manchester City at Wembley.

Unfortunately, not all of the Man City fans in attendance were able to keep quiet through the minute’s silence and could be heard chanting while the rest of the stadium paid their respects to the victims.

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Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t best appreciated by the Liverpool fans, who were forced to interrupt the minute’s silence themselves in order to show their disgust for the disrespectful Man City fans.

We understand that these two teams are at each other’s throats at the best of times, but some things are bigger than football and rivalries. The Man City fans responsible ought to hang their heads in shame.