Liverpool fans make Manchester United fan drive 400 miles to meet fake woman

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One poor Manchester United supporter was pranked into driving 400 miles to meet a woman that didn’t exist in an elaborate hoax set up by two savage Liverpool fans reported the Daily Mail.

The fake woman named ‘Emma’ met the man in question on Facebook and he ended up driving nine hours from Sheffield to Scotland to meet Emma in person to continue their love affair.

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Unfortunately for the Man United fan when he arrived at “Emma’s” home which was a remote farm in Aberdeen she was nowhere to be seen.

The two Liverpool fans who set up the whole charade eventually called the man three hours later and confessed the whole situation was a prank.

Upon realising he has been brutally stitched up Mr. Slann said: “It was a cruel thing to do. I’ve been taken for a ride,

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“There’s no doubt that I’ve been done good and proper by the lads from Liverpool. It was cruel but I’ll hold my hands up and say they really wound me up,” Slann told the Sheffield Star.

“I’d been chatting to this girl on Facebook for about a month or so. I really thought she was genuine, and I had no reason to doubt it.

“On the night she asked me to [go to] Scotland I was on the road for about nine hours. And then when I got to this remote farm she sent me a text to say she was still in work.

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“That’s what made it worse, not only had I driven for nine hours, but I had to wait for about another three and a half hours for her to finish work. Then when I got the call to say it was all a hoax I just felt awful.

“If they had asked to drive to Manchester, Leeds or even Liverpool it wouldn’t have been so bad and maybe I’d have seen the funny side. But to drag me all the way to Aberdeenwas just cruel.”

Mr Slann’s wife reportedly left him after his affair, which was a hit story that first came to light on the internet back in 2009 when the incident took place.





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