🚨MASSIVE CLASH in the Limerick squad as key player supposedly walks

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  1. A Ghearóid. In ainm Croim come back to the team! We want to beat the best. Super hurler. We want to see your skills. Tempus fugit. John. Sort it out.
    Corcaigh Abú.

    1. Your right to walk out boy stand up for yourself. Don’t let the bandit brothers down. Get on that horse that you parked outside and ride. And don’t forget to give them the middle finger. Geddy up. Up the rebels we all know about walking out to be we didn’t cry

    2. Kind of bring ye back to the Roy Keane saga lads now is he right our do you stay and do it for your County from a Lillywhite 🏳🏳now if the comments are true .🤔🤔🤔

    3. Just saw a Pig flying Past my Window Singing What’s another Year . Eurovision next year for him.

    1. Grow up Gearoid.Do you want to be remembered for being selfish.
      There is no I in Team games.

  2. Look it’d like this just because gearoid is the best one of the best hurlers out there for limerick apart from aran galan it doesn’t seem right two me to leave down your team mates at such a crucial point in the championship if indeed it’d true to begin with. If indeed it is why should John kiely bother begging him to come back.john in all fairness has enough to be doing picking the limerick squad for the mach.i would appeal two ghearoid to for the sake of all his team mates and friends on the limerick team two put this issue behind him and crack on with this massive game for the county

      1. He’s one of the Galan lads from Irish Meain – the Mother was a lovely woman. She used sell duck eggs and she kept a turkey cock.

  3. The use of the phrase “according to reports” suggests a question mark against the validity, of this latest manufacture of the Media rumour machine!

  4. This is media just stirring the pot ahead of a big game trying to mentally upset the team. Just wait and see I bet he will be on the team

  5. More attempts to get at Limericks mind set !!
    Won’t work Limerick too far ahead of that crap

    1. Kind of bring ye back to the Roy Keane saga lads now is he right our do you stay and do it for your County from a Lillywhite 🏳🏳now if the comments are true .🤔🤔🤔

  6. Kind of bring ye back to the Roy Keane saga lads now is he right our do you stay and do it for your County from a Lillywhite 🏳🏳now if the comments are true .🤔🤔🤔

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