Kimmage: Doping report proves athletics has a big problem

Sports Journalist Paul Kimmage says he believes that the doping story in the Sunday Times proves there is a significant problem with doping in athletics.

The Sunday Times reports that one third of Olympic and World Championship medals were awarded to athletes who have given suspicious blood samples.

The papers says this is based on test results analysed over more than a decade, up to and including the London Games in 2012.

Mr Kimmage, who has written extensively on the Lance Armstrong saga, is crediting the Sunday Times for their work.

He said: “They do it in the most, for me, conclusive fashion imaginable. They’ve got five pages on this scandal and they open it with the story of the Women’s 1500m at the 2005 World Championships.

“They begin this report by painting a portrait of this young Ethiopian girl, Maryam Yusuf Jamal, who is leading the race and looks like she might win.

“And suddenly she’s swamped by four Russian women in the race to the line, and cynics like myself who watched it at the time had thought ‘This is a complete and utter joke’.”