Kevin Durant formally requests trade away from Brooklyn Nets

NBA superstar Kevin Durant has formally requested a trade away from the Brooklyn Nets, according to ESPN.

Durant, who is widely regarded as one of the best basketball players on the planet, has spent the last three years playing for the New York-based NBA side.

All good things must come to an end eventually, though, and on the back of a disappointing season with the Nets, Durant appears ready for a change of scenery.

ESPN report that Durant has informed the Nets of his desire to be traded to another team, with the wheels now in motion for that to come to fruition.

The report states that Rich Kleiman, Durant’s representative, is working in tandem with the Nets on finding a new team for his client for the new season.

With the Nets having fallen short of expectations last season and ultimately being eliminated from the playoffs in the first round, Durant will want to play for a team who can challenge.

Kevin Durant (pictured) has reportedly requested a trade away from the Brooklyn Nets

Both Phoenix Suns and Miami Heat are mentioned in the report by ESPN as potential destinations for Durant, but there has thus far been no firm decision made.

It’s a situation that could have seismic implications for the sport. Any team successful in adding Durant to their roster will immediately become legitimate challengers.

Durant will undoubtedly want to have clarity on his future sooner rather than later so that he can begin preparations for the 2022-23 NBA season, which begins in October.

While his future employers are currently unknown to the world, it certainly looks safe to say that he will be leaving the Nets, and potentially imminently.