🚨Viewers couldn’t believe the shut down Anthony Daly gave Joanne Cantwell at one stage .. 😬

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The former Clare hurling captain Anthony Daly was on The Sunday Game yesterday for the All-Ireland final and he wasn’t having any of Joanne Cantwell’s argument at one stage ..

See the clip and some of the comments underneath ..

MORE HERE: 🚨The Brits don’t know what to make of this ‘brilliant game with sticks’ ..

Yeah, how dare she give an alternative opinion and use a player who was in a similar situation as her example 🤦

He was well within his right to take her down a peg or two. James McCaffrey speaks for everyone does he, I’m glad he mentioned that😂😂

Should be replaced next year. Loves nothing but complaining so she does

Some not very nice people on here really. Such pettiness

shes making a valid point , hes responding with his opinion. Two adults having a discussion. Then theres you with your drivel

If the clip rolled a little further you’d see serious head shakes and eyerolling from Sheedy and Dalo… disgusted with her…

More Stories clare Cork GAA Gaelic Football Hurling Joanne Cantwell The Sunday Game


  1. Jo Ann Cantwell is there to dramatize a story.She is definitely not a good Sports reporter.She brought up about Kyle Hayes court appearance and nothing about the Dublin footballer who was before the Courts.This to me is a Sports Programmer not a TV drama series. Having said that thepowers that be gave her the Green Light to attcck Donal Og as a get back for high lighting RTE Sports pay per view. She is a nasty reporter and it would seem she would bring gutter journaliom into Sport backed by her Pay Masters in RTE

    1. She’s a pain in the hole..How the f**k did she get that job..a lot of times she says things just for effect…she questioned Jackie Tyrell a few weeks ago about a yellow card she thought should have been given in the Kilkenny v Clare.He gave his opinion and disagreed with her..she kept coming back with the same question.Jackie knew what he was talking about but she didn’t! She’s supposed to compere the show and not be the mouthpiece that she is.

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