Teenage boy who fought off man attacking girl, 16, in Cork hailed hero

At around 1.20pm on Monday in Fermoy county Cork a teenage boy fought off Two men who tried to abuse a girl and had her up by her grabbed by her clothes.

Two teenagers rushed over to help the girl when they hear her cries.

Brandon Geary was on the way to meet his friends for lunch when he got a phone call and heard of the shocking attack.

“It is a traumatic experience. The fella that helped out the girl is one of my closest friends. He went over to help her. The man turned around and started hitting him.”

“He fought back and the man’s (perpetrator’s) friend turned around with a glass bottle straight to the side of the head.

“He didn’t even know he was bleeding. He was going to walk away and the lads said ‘Oh my god you are pumping bleeding.

“They called an ambulance and he came home with two stitches to the side of his head.”

Brandon, who is in his late teens, said he wouldn’t wish what happened to the young girl on his “worst enemy.”

“Lunchtime. School out. This girl is only 16. My friend always tries to protect everyone else. He is a hero in everyone’s eyes. It is very bad. You wouldn’t think it would happen here. He (my friend) didn’t get the worst he could have got. Thank god nothing happened to his brain.”

“Young girls are scared. Definitely. There was the main attacker and another person beside him. He had the girl grabbed. It is awful. I was on the way to meet my friend and his sister rang me and said he he had been attacked. The man hit him with a bottle and bottle shattered in his head.

“He had to go up to Cork University Hospital for stitches.”