🚨 Gary Neville names the only club he would have joined if he left Manchester United

The Manchester United legend has paid respect to his long time rivals.

Back in the 90s and early 00s the Premier League was dominated by The Red Devils with Arsenal being their main rival for the title.

Who can forget the spicy contests between the two sides with often heated battles in midfield with the likes of Roy Keane and Patrick Vieira trying to get a hold of the game.

Not to mention the mind-games between Sir Alex Ferguson and Arsene Wenger and ‘Pizzagate’ when a Pizza slice was lobbed at Fergie by a young Cesc Fabregas.

One man who featured heavily in the dust-ups was Gary Neville and he gave an interesting answer when asked what other club other than United he would have liked to have played for.

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“I’m going to say Arsenal,” Neville said.

“Arsenal were the club that I generally had massive respect for.

“When I went to Highbury and you used to walk in that old entrance with the marble hall, I used to think it’s a club of proper tradition.

“I used to love the blazers that you used to wear and there is a resemblance in alignment for what United were at that time with the blazers and tradition.”