🚨Disgraceful scenes at a Junior A football final today in Limerick ..

Disgraceful scenes in Limerick today at a Junior A football match, it really is a pity to see this ..

Have a look at the video below and some of the comments underneath ..

Hahahahahahaha amazing how two Gardai managed to hold so many back . Absolute shams . Could have easily got to each other but wanted to shout and dance.

They wouldn’t beat snow off a rope always a sign of a a hard man when the misses is comfortable keeping him under control as he pretends to throw shapes

No need to give this air time. Exactly what they want
Nothing but scumbags and oxygen thieves, for all the good work that’s done in communities, them vermin will continue to blacken the place
The reality of this is, soccer attracts scum. These guys don’t represent Limerick people in total. It’s the same in the UK with the skin head soccer hooligans! Soccer is the problem. You don’t see this at a rugby match. Different class of supporter! It’s sad but true