🚨GAA legend calls out Dublin & the organisation for financial doping .. 😬

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The former seven time All-Ireland winner Bernard Brogan took to his twitter this week to point out the unfairness in the match between Dublin and Offaly last week.

It’s a fair point from the St. Oliver Plunkett’s man to be fair, have a look at the tweet and some of the comments underneath ..

No one can question Work ethic of Dublin players or achievements, GAA should give fair funding to all counties for coaching and Development is what people question

Thanks for admitting it, the sports pyscology, the elite coaching that includes s&c and backroom teams that most cant afford. No wonder no 1 is turning up to football these days which is a real shame but as you said financial doping

Laughing at the rest of the country while absolutely creaming it in terms of funding and financial revenue. Rotten to the core.

Rather than pointing fingers, how do we fix the current decline in Leinster. I don’t think just saying other counties need to improve is enough not will handing them money. There needs to be a plan in place to bring standards up in all counties in terms of coaching and resources

1.3 million v 78,000

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