🚨The British government labelled a ‘disgrace’ as GAA supporters in the North are not happy .. 😬

The UK government are refusing to cough up the cash that is needed to get Casement Park done it seems and a lot of people, especially in the GAA community aren’t happy ..

MORE HERE: The time Paul O’Connell had the perfect response for Prince William & The Royal Family .. 😬

They’re the same no hopers who are laughing as Northern Ireland is decaying around them. Has anyone taken a walk around the centre of Belfast recently? The place is falling asunder with dereliction and decaying buildings. And the roads – they’re from another era.

Two very different things. The City deals would have benefitted large parts of many communities and all of NI (hopefully still will) It was a mistake to ever consider an enhanced design for Casement without making some excess spending a loan to be repaid by non sporting events

Yes. Building a new stadium in the middle of a residential area that half the residents don’t want would 100% be a good use of public funds. There is absolutely nothing that the Casement site brings to the table, apart from expense, inconvenience, and political baggage