(Video) Weirdest goal of the season scored by Bolton Wanderers today

Bolton Wanderers’ Dion Charles scored one of the weirdest goals you’ll ever see in your life against Fleetwood Town this afternoon.

Charles went to ground as he attempted to claim the loose ball, under challenge from an on-rushing Fleetwood player.

He got to the ball first, winning the tackle cleanly, and sending the ball quite some distance in the process.

What he wouldn’t have expected was for the ball to fly all the way beyond the goalkeeper and into the back of the net.

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Essentially what he’s done here is scored from just over the halfway line, without intending to shoot… with a tackle.

Some things in life you have to see to believe, and we recognise that the description is a little far fetched.

That in mind, watch the clip below. We weren’t making this up – it actually did happen…