AFTV’s DT Has an Old Tweet that Comes Back to Haunt him.

Arsenal fans TV’s DT a man that doesn’t shy away from sharing his feeling about Arsenal Football club and is quite passionate about supporting the north London club. Took to twitter last night to call out Manchester United fans and try to bring them down to earth🤣

Unfortunately for DT twitter never forgets and lads were quick to call him out for his tweet in the past. DT was trying to tell Manchester United fans to try not to get too carried away with themselves. In doing so though he forget about his past statement on twitter.

Manchester United went joined top of the table with Liverpool last night with a narrow victory at home to Aston Villa in what was a cracking game with some heroics from the United defence. Arsenal have a massive game tonight vs big Sam’s West Brom and will be looking to make it three wins in a row.